For reporting an adverse event due to our manufactured products, please download the Adverse Event Reporting form below and mail it to alpsdrugsafety@gmail.com
What is an adverse event?
An adverse event is any undesirable experience associated with the use of a medicinal product in a patient. It is commonly referred to as a “side effect”.
Why should I report an adverse event?
We don’t want to miss out on important data which could help us use our medicines more effectively and safely. If you report an adverse event, it would also help us to identify rare adverse effects, unexpected/unknown adverse effects, drug/food interactions with medications, unknown risk factors and long-term safety profile of the medications. This will help in protecting public health by identifying, assessing, and mitigating safety concerns effectively.
What to report:
All types of adverse events (side effects occurring after administration of our manufactured drug).
Where to report:
Email Id: alpsdrugsafety@gmail.com
Confidentiality: The patient’s identity is held in strict confidence and protected to the fullest extent. The company shall not disclose the reporter’s identity in response to a request from the public.